How To Stencil Furniture.

Create a custom look while elevating your painted furniture by adding a stencil. Dixie Belle’s Belles and Whistle line has several stencils that work with any style and are easy to use.

I had a tired side table was the perfect project to try out Dixie Belle’s Mudcloth stencil. Here are the steps and materials so you can step up your refinishing game and try it out on your next project!


Step One
Start by cleaning the entire piece with White Lightning to remove any grease or residue. Then use a sanding pad to give your surface a scuff sand. Next, wipe down your piece with a damp Shop rag.

Step Two
Since my surface was quite glossy, I applied a coat of Slick Stick to the whole table and let it dry. After 2 hours, I applied another coat of Slick Stick and let it dry overnight. If your surface is solid wood and not very glossy move on to step three.

Step Three
The next day I applied a coat of Drop Cloth using a synthetic brush for a smooth finish. After approximately 45 minutes I applied another coat of Drop Cloth and let it dry for two hours.

Step Four
Start by positioning the stencil on the furniture, use painter’s tape to hold the stencil in place and to avoid any smudging. If you are unable to add any tape, make sure to hold your stencil in place for the next step

Step Five
Apply a thin coat of paint onto your roller. Make sure to roll off excess paint in the tray. This will avoid having paint bleed through the stencil.

Next began using the roller to apply paint over the stencil. Make sure to evenly apply pressure while rolling to give the stencil pattern a uniform look. Continue rolling until the whole area has been stenciled. Remove the stencil while the paint is still wet.

Sometimes mistakes will happen and some paint may bleed through the stencil. Don’t stress! Just use a damp Q-Tip (pointed ones are the best) to wipe back any mishaps and use a Dixie Belle fine artist brush to clean up any smudges.

Next reposition the stencil, apply tape and apply an even coat of paint over the remainder of the piece. Once complete, let the surface dry for approximately 45 minutes. Pro tip- make sure to clean your stencil with warm water and gentle soap to remove the paint as soon as you are done to keep it in tip top shape!

Step Six
To add some durability, apply a thin coat of Clear Coat and let dry for 1 hour. Once dry, apply another coat of Clear Coat.

Using stencils on furniture is so easy to do and will give the look of custom furniture without the big cost. Make sure to try it on your next project. Happy painting!


DIY Stenciled Tray With Silk All In One Mineral Paint.


A Beginners Guide On How To Paint Furniture.