What Is Upcycling and Why Do I Want To Do It?

Have you noticed how the word “Upcycling” has been popping up more and more in design lately? What does it mean? Upcycling is the process of taking something that has been discarded or unwanted and transforming it into something beautiful and functional. Still unsure of why you would want to do it? Take a look at 5 reasons why you should!

1. Find Excellent Quality Furniture

​No need to be skeptical of having an older piece of furniture. Most vintage furniture is excellent quality, often made of solid wood and exqusitely made, lasting a lifetime.

2.Decorate Inexpensively

Have a tight budget but are looking to add some furniture or accessories into your space? Upcycling is a budget friendly way to achieve this. Check out some of your local thrift stores, estate sales, Kijiji or an auction. Most often you can find pieces at the fraction of the cost of buying new. You can even get lucky and find a gorgeous piece just sitting on the side of the road. Incorporating vintage or repurposed pieces can add drama and interest into your space.

3. Environmentally Friendly

My heart sinks a little when I see a beautiful piece of furniture in the garbage. Upcycling is not only a fantastic way to decorate but it is also environmentally friendly, keeping functional items out of landfills.

4. It’s Thrilling!

I have a confession, there have been several times that I have found the perfect piece, wanted to high five everyone in my vicinity or have walked out of an auction feeling like a Rock Star after winning an adrenaline pumping, bidding frenzy over the perfect piece. Just remember to have a set budget in mind before you start bidding! ​

5. The Need For Creativity

"The desire to create is one of the deepest yearnings of the human soul”
Dieter F. Uchtdorf

With our busy schedules, jobs, kids and household responsibilities we have little time left for our own interests. The opportunity to make and create for many of us has become a luxury. There is something so satisfying in making something beautiful using your own hands. I have often heard from clients that they don’t have a creative bone in their body. I believe everybody has that spark of creativity, it is in all of us but sometimes it just requires taking a workshop to build confidence or just jumping right into a project. Using high quality Canadian products such as FAT paint and Dixie Belle Paint, makes it very easy to beautifully transform your finds and seamlessly incorporate them into your space. Have you painted a piece and you’re not happy with it? Just repaint it. If you are still unsure of where to start, stop by and see us. Come get inspired, take a workshop and get started on your upcycling projects!

Created in collaboration with Amanda/Aerin


Get The Fall 2017 Colour Trends By Upcycling